Aubele, Federico

Gran Hotel Buenos Aires

Genre: Urban Latin
Label: ESL Laufzeit: 44 min.
Code: esl000072
EAN: 795103007222

Gran Hotel Buenos Aires


Detailinfos zu den Titeln

1 - ante tus ojos
federico aubele

2 - postales
federico aubele

3 - despertar
federico aubele

4 - el amor de este pueblo
federico aubele

5 - esta noche
federico aubele

6 - diario de viaje
federico aubele

7 - mona
federico aubele

8 - salvacion
federico aubele

9 - contigo
federico aubele

10 - malena
federico aubele

11 - un lugar
federico aubele

12 - besos de sal
federico aubele



  Review : DJ Santiago Steele

Aubele has carved an interesting niche for himself in the international lounge-electronic scene, mixing latin vibes with a downbeat dub undercurrent.

It's a times a bit like Gotan Project in it's 'tangoesque'ness, sans club feel, and some of the tracks might not be your thing, but If nothing else, this CD is worth picking up for the track 'Postales' alone.

(Review by courtesy of Santiago Steele,

DJ Santiago Steele, 20041002

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