Latin Giants Of Jazz, The
Ven Baila Conmigo
Genre: Latin JazzLabel: Gigante Records Laufzeit: 73 min.
Code: gig000004
EAN: 184523000041
Detailinfos zu den Titeln
1 - lo que traigo es son
the latin giants of jazz
2 - ven baila conmigo
the latin giants of jazz
3 - i still love you
the latin giants of jazz
4 - gua cha rumba
the latin giants of jazz
5 - ahora mismo
the latin giants of jazz
6 - tengo que conformarme
the latin giants of jazz
7 - cookin' the mabo
the latin giants of jazz
8 - dime quien eres
the latin giants of jazz
9 - si el mar se volviera ron
the latin giants of jazz
10 - increible
the latin giants of jazz
11 - cannology
the latin giants of jazz
12 - la batidora meneadora
the latin giants of jazz
13 - cuando suenan los cueros
the latin giants of jazz
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