German Propag. Swing, 1941-43, V
Genre: VariousLabel: Harlequin Code: hq000003
EAN: 008637200329

Detailinfos zu den Titeln
1 - youre driving me crazy
charlie and his orchestra
2 - you cant stop me from dreaming
charlie and his orchestra
3 - st louis blues
charlie and his orchestra
4 - slumming on park avenue
charlie and his orchestra
5 - dinah
charlie and his orchestra
6 - daisy
charlie and his orchestra
7 - f.d.r. jones
charlie and his orchestra
8 - who´ll buy my bublitchky
charlie and his orchestra
9 - i´m putting all my eggs in one b
charlie and his orchestra
10 - the king horses
charlie and his orchestra
11 - i´ve got a pocketful of dreams
charlie and his orchestra
12 - three little fishes
charlie and his orchestra
13 - why´d ya make me fall in love
charlie and his orchestra
14 - miss annabelle lee
charlie and his orchestra
15 - south of the border
charlie and his orchestra
16 - hold tight
charlie and his orchestra
17 - the man with the big cigar
charlie and his orchestra
18 - i'm sending you the siegfried li
charlie and his orchestra
19 - bye bye blackbird
charlie and his orchestra
20 - japanese sandman
charlie and his orchestra
21 - who´s afraid of the big bad wolf
charlie and his orchestra
22 - unter´n linden
charlie and his orchestra
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