German Propag. Swing, 1941-43, V

Genre: Various
Label: Harlequin Code: hq000009
EAN: 008637200923

German Propag. Swing, 1941-43, V


Detailinfos zu den Titeln

1 - nice people
charlie and his orchestra

2 - thanks for the memory
charlie and his orchestra

3 - indian love call
charlie and his orchestra

4 - the sheik of araby
charlie and his orchestra

5 - let´s put out the lights
charlie and his orchestra

6 - bei mir bist du schön
charlie and his orchestra

7 - lilli marleen
charlie and his orchestra

8 - elmer´s tune
charlie and his orchestra

9 - picture me without you
charlie and his orchestra

10 - i double dare you
charlie and his orchestra

11 - macpherson is rehearsin
charlie and his orchestra

12 - i cant give you anything but lov
charlie and his orchestra

13 - daisy
charlie and his orchestra

14 - stardust
charlie and his orchestra

15 - submarines
charlie and his orchestra

16 - united air man
charlie and his orchestra

17 - i got rhythm
charlie and his orchestra

18 - and so another lovely day is ove
charlie and his orchestra

19 - roll on the blue funnel
charlie and his orchestra

20 - under an umbrella in the evening
charlie and his orchestra

21 - calling invasion forces
charlie and his orchestra

22 - atlantic wall
charlie and his orchestra



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