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Yo-Yo Ma

Obrigado Brazil

Genre: Brasil: Various
Label: Sony Laufzeit: 71 min.
Code: sn089935

Obrigado Brazil

This is a tributo to Brazil and its inspiring music and excellent musicans. Yo-Yo Ma (cello) plays together with Cyro Baptista, Paquito d'Rivera, Kathryn Scott, Rosa Passos, Sergio and Adair Assad and more renowned musicians.



Detailinfos zu den Titeln

1 - cristal
yo-yo ma

2 - chega de saudade
yo-yo ma

3 - a lenda do caboclo
yo-yo ma

4 - doce de coco
yo-yo ma

5 - dansa brasileira
yo-yo ma

6 - apelo
yo-yo ma

7 - dansa negra
yo-yo ma

8 - ixo (um a zero)
yo-yo ma

9 - manino
yo-yo ma

10 - samambaia
yo-yo ma

11 - carinhoso
yo-yo ma

12 - alma brasileira
yo-yo ma

13 - o amor em paz
yo-yo ma

14 - bodas de prata & quatro cantos
yo-yo ma

15 - brasileirinho
yo-yo ma

16 - salvador
yo-yo ma



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