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Camargo, Zeze di;Luciano

Fui Eu

Genre: Brasil: Romanticos
Label: Sony Laufzeit: 57 min.
Code: sn515679

Fui Eu


Detailinfos zu den Titeln

1 - a minha historia
di camargo & luciano

2 - fui eu
di camargo & luciano

3 - fera mansa
di camargo & luciano

4 - atemos
di camargo & luciano

5 - foi
di camargo & luciano

6 - apaixonado por voce
di camargo & luciano

7 - meu destino le escolheu
di camargo & luciano

8 - meu coracao
di camargo & luciano

9 - fica de uma vez
di camargo & luciano

10 - mil anos de amor
di camargo & luciano

11 - vai dar tudo certo
di camargo & luciano

12 - soi parada dura
di camargo & luciano

13 - coracao de mulher
di camargo & luciano

14 - paguei pra ver
di camargo & luciano

15 - agora aguenta nois
di camargo & luciano



  Review : Christoff Dewet

This brother duo never ceases to amaze they manage to find all these beautiful, melodious songs (when Zeze doesn't write it himself) - is a miracle...........this album is a little more acoustic than their previous ones, but it took me 2 spins to get into it, and I regard it as one of their 3 best albums ever! I have their entire CD & DVD catalogue - so I know what I'm talking about......... If you love beautiful melodious music that keeps spinning in your head, then buy this CD immediately!! You WILL fall in love with it!

Christoff Dewet, 20051212

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