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Capoeira Project, The

Capoeira Mata Um

Genre: Brasil: Various
Label: Tropical Music Laufzeit: 76 min.
Code: tm068816

Capoeira Mata Um


Detailinfos zu den Titeln

1 - o juramento da capoeira
the capoeira project

2 - a barco do mundo
the capoeira project

3 - iuna
the capoeira project

4 - luna iuna
the capoeira project

5 - jogo de dentro
the capoeira project

6 - signals
the capoeira project

7 - capoeira mata um
the capoeira project

8 - a chuva e o vento
the capoeira project

9 - a cuica e o berimbau
the capoeira project

10 - samba de roda
the capoeira project

11 - berim- banbou
the capoeira project

12 - camugere
the capoeira project

13 - salvadori
the capoeira project

14 - jogo bom
the capoeira project

15 - benguela first
the capoeira project

16 - talking dentro
the capoeira project

17 - maroccan malizia
the capoeira project

18 - berimbau e da bahia
the capoeira project

19 - cavalaria
the capoeira project



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