Malevo Sound Project
Evolution Tango
Genre: Tango: TangoLabel: Sony Duration: 46 min.
Code: sn509194
Sergio H. Bermejo is well-known in the argentine Electro-Rock scene and is introducing his new project MALEVO SOUND PROJECT with the CD Evolution Tango to the TANGO NUEVO community. Together with some old maestros such like Antonio Agri (Violin) and Walter Rios ...
Detailed information on the titles
1 - tango 2090
malevo sound project
2 - paredon
malevo sound project
3 - seres de la noche
malevo sound project
4 - zarpe
malevo sound project
5 - mundos
malevo sound project
6 - barranca abajo
malevo sound project
7 - evolution
malevo sound project
8 - soledad
malevo sound project
9 - open tango
malevo sound project
10 - plantados
malevo sound project
11 - sol infinito
malevo sound project
Review : DJ Santiago Steele
Argentine rocker Malevo's original spin on tango keeps the downtempo flavor for an ambient mix of electronica/rock tracks.
Originally released in 1999, Evolution takes credit as perhaps the first electronic tango CD ever made. In this remastered version, Malevo showcases his elcletic style and a good sense for the dance music scene.
Try 'Tango 2090' and 'Soledad'
(Review by courtesy of Santiago Steele,
DJ Santiago Steele, 20041002
Review : Jonas Luell
Naja. Wenn man alle aktuellen Electrotango-Alben kennt, zählt diese CD sicher nicht zu den Favoriten. Unfein gesagt typisch argentinisch. Der elektronische Aspekt, z.B. die Beats, klingen ziemlich billig, und sind weit von dem entfernt, was heute in Clubs "State-of -the-Art" ist. Argentinier mögen tollen Tango machen, was elektronische Musik anbelangt, sind sie meistens ein paar Jährchen zu spät. (Ausnahmen gibts natürlich).
Jonas Luell, 20041127
DyM Blog
04 February 2025
Gut Tango tanzen mit urheberrechtsfreier Musik
Wer in Veranstaltungen und/oder Kursen Musik spielt, die frei von Urheberrechten ist, braucht dafür nichts zu zahlen. Danza y Movimiento verfügt über ein Paket von
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Sheet music for tango and other rhythms
Finally, “Danza y Movimiento” has published sheet music for tango, jazz, bolero, bossa and modern classical music. Some of the works have been arranged for solo
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Audio with quality - for high-quality music enjoyment
This article provides information about the current options for buying music in high audio quality, i.e. uncompressed in file formats such as FLAC or