Devito, Mike

Juego Peligroso

Genre: Salsa
Label: Universal Music Duration: 47 min.
Code: um360657

Juego Peligroso

His CD is giving the Salsa it’s youth and enthusiasm, that you even like to listen to the one and only english track on this record “She’s dangerous” with pleasure.



Detailed information on the titles

1 - te dare te dare
mike devito

2 - yo te amare
mike devito

3 - tus ojos
mike devito

4 - lloveran lagrimas
mike devito

5 - juego peligroso
mike devito

6 - caricia fugaz
mike devito

7 - como le hablas a un angel
mike devito

8 - temo
mike devito

9 - she's dangerous
mike devito



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