Addy, Aja; Tsui Anaa

Live Refreshment

Genre: Percussion
Label: Weltwunder Duration: 59 min.
Code: ww000118
EAN: 4013822011822

Live Refreshment


Detailed information on the titles

1 - fume fume (bending)
aja addy/ tsui anaa

2 - the drums are speaking
aja addy/ tsui anaa

3 - alewota (you know us quite well)
aja addy/ tsui anaa

4 - a) dabila b) amandjoto
aja addy/ tsui anaa

5 - djem pe du (call the world to he
aja addy/ tsui anaa

6 - announcement
aja addy/ tsui anaa

7 - tema obla yei (woman from tema)
aja addy/ tsui anaa

8 - tema obla yei (acapella reprise)
aja addy/ tsui anaa



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