Tango by Danza y Movimiento
Below Tango you can find productions we can license.

DUO DIAGONAL with Bandoneon and Violine. They are respectfully presenting TANGO-classics of f.e. FIRPO, CLAUSI, AROLAS and of course PIAZZOLLA (Balada para un Loco, their brilliant achievement)
Detailed information on the titles
1 - balada para un loco
duo diagonal
2 - milonga 040
duo diagonal
3 - malena
duo diagonal
4 - desde el alma
duo diagonal
5 - adios muchachos
duo diagonal
6 - palomita blanca
duo diagonal
7 - el amanecer
duo diagonal
8 - el paisanito
duo diagonal
9 - indifference
duo diagonal
10 - de antano
duo diagonal
11 - para ti madre
duo diagonal
12 - retintin
duo diagonal
DyM Blog
19 December 2024
Gut Tango tanzen mit urheberrechtsfreier Musik
Wer in Veranstaltungen und/oder Kursen Musik spielt, die frei von Urheberrechten ist, braucht dafür nichts zu zahlen. Danza y Movimiento verfügt über ein Paket von
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Sheet music for tango and other rhythms
Finally, “Danza y Movimiento” has published sheet music for tango, jazz, bolero, bossa and modern classical music. Some of the works have been arranged for solo
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Audio with quality - for high-quality music enjoyment
This article provides information about the current options for buying music in high audio quality, i.e. uncompressed in file formats such as FLAC or