Lucio Demare

Rosa peregrina

Genre: Tango: Tango
Label: DYM Code: dz020092
EAN: 4024236200924
Detailed track info and comments below
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Now playing :
Rosa peregrina - Lupe - 03:18


Detailed information on the titles

1 - Rosa peregrina - Lupe

Lucio Demare (piano solo)

Duration: 03:18
Genre: Vals
Composer: Lucio Demare
Author: Agustín Irusta, Roberto Fugazot
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 19520118
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721103313

2 - Manana zarpa un barco - Dandy

Lucio Demare (piano solo)

Duration: 02:55
Genre: Vals
Composer: Lucio Demare
Author: Homero Manzi, Agustín Irusta, Roberto Fugazot
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 19520118
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721103314

3 - No nos veremos más – Mañanitas de Montmartre

Lucio Demare (piano solo)

Duration: 03:06
Genre: Tango
Composer: Lucio Demare
Author: Julio Placido Navarrine; Agustin Irusta; Roberto Fugazot
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 19520618
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721103315

4 - Preludio a "Mi noche triste"

Lucio Demare (piano solo)

Duration: 03:43
Genre: Tango
Composer: Lucio Demare
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 19520618
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721103316

5 - La casita de mis viejos (La casita de mis padres)

Lucio Demare (piano solo)

Duration: 02:51
Genre: Vals
Composer: Juan Carlos Cobian
Author: Enrique Cadicamo
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 19530127
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721103317

6 - Humildad

Lucio Demare (piano solo)

Duration: 02:57
Genre: Tango
Composer: Lucio Demare
Author: Alfredo Navarrine
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 19530127
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721103318

7 - Luna

Lucio Demare (piano solo)

Duration: 02:10
Genre: Milonga
Composer: Lucio Demare
Author: Homero Manzi
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 1957
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721103319

8 - La calle sin sueno(s)

Lucio Demare (piano solo)

Duration: 02:24
Genre: Tango
Composer: Lucio Demare
Author: Enrique Cadícamo
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 1957
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721103320



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